Leadership and Life Tips to Help You Thrive

Become a better leader in your work and life with tips from our blog

The Flip Side to Fear!

Most times when we think of the word fear, we feel the negative survival instict of fight, flight or freeze. Whichever reaction that is our go to, this is usually not accompanies by postive emotions.

But what if we can think of fear differently?

Now here’s the thought … What if you were to flip that fear to love?

Wait what?

I mean think about it for a moment. Many times we feel fear around things that are important to us. Things we may deeply desire or value. Things we care about alot or even love!

So, what if instead of focusing on that fear; you focused on the love you have for that thing instead?

Do you want to be a brilliant speaker, doctor, architect, singer?

Do you want to get that promotion and get the chance to lead a big project?

Do you want to open that business and be a successful entrepreneur?

Then do it!!! By thinking of the love you have for that which you want, instead of the fear of failure, disappointment, rejection, the unknown or whatever it is that you fear. Think of the fear as information, that can help you to be more thorough in your research or mindful of the risks, but not as a complete show stopper.

Focus your thoughts too on what you can gain and contribute for yourself and for others.

How many people will you help? How many lives will you touch with your work and talent?

Now feel that … that’s the love that you feel for the gifts you want to share!
If you let that feeling of love lead you as you take baby steps to accomplishing your dream, you will feel more motivated to keep taking consistent action!! Even if the fear is still there, you can acknowledge it as only information. Whenever the feeling of fear becomes overpowering, you can choose to reconnect to the love instead so that you can keep moving forward.

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