Leadership Development Workshops

made for you and your company to thrive!


Lunch and Learn Talks are a great way to provide a quick boost to your team’s energy and morale. Helping to feed their mind with different ideas and perspectives with real tools to take away and practice in just 30 minutes!

We have some off-the-shelf topics or you can contact us to create a talk customised just for you.

A Quick Intro to Positive Intelligence, Mental Fitness and Why This Matters

We may have heard the terms positive intelligence and mental fitness but do we know what they mean and why we should care about this?

This quick intro will answer all of this and more. You’ll appreciate what we call your negative bias, why it’s a good thing to have and be in a positive mental state and how to shift into that state when you need to. You’ll find with practice of these tools, you’ll feel calmer and better at handling challenges that life throws your way.

Tools to Manage Stress and Overwhelm

  • What would your life be like if you did not have to spend time feeling distressed and overwhelmed?
  • How much more could you accomplish?
  • How much better would you feel?

This workshop will help you gain a better understanding of your brain under stress. It’ll also give you an opportunity to be coached with some introspective questions, so that you may increase your awareness of your own sub-conscious thought patterns and motivations. Then you’ll get to decide what you want to do with this new knowledge. This is an easy tool that you can rinse and repeat anytime you feel stress becoming overwhelming.

Burnout : What it is and how to avoid it

This workshop will only help you:

  • To understand the difference between burnout and stress.
  • To learn signs for you to recognize that burnout can happen
  • By providing tools for you to use if you are at risk of experiencing burnout

The World Health Organization has categorised burnout as an organisational phenomenon that arises when chronic stress is not managed. Help your team members to understand this phenomenon and the steps that they can take to prevent burnout.

Finding Balance between work and life responsibilities

Most people find it challenging to have a healthy balance between life and work activities. For many, work and family takes over, leaving not enough time for friends, hobbies and personal “me”time. This can be a constant source of stress and unhappiness.

Doing this workshop would help you gain some perspective on your situation and give you some ideas as to improve your relationship with work life balance and improve your mental well-being.

Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Did you know that imposter syndrome affects more than 50% of the workforce? It’s that feeling of not being good enough for your job (when this is not the case) and the fallout activities that you do to ensure that you are not found out.

The thing is you can be so much more effective if you didn’t have to battle imposter syndrome and if you understood what’s driving your behaviours. Whether you are a team lead, wanting to understand imposter syndrome so you can better support your team or you as an individual feel impacted by imposter syndrome, coming to this workshop can help.

Getting good at Difficult Conversations

Whether it’s performance appraisals, having to challenge, object or provide a critique, or call someone out for their behaviour, we all have situations that can feel difficult or uncomfortable for us to address. Most of us choose to avoid them, or not deal with them effectively. Causing issues to fester and become larger than necessary.

If you can relate and you’re ready to change this, then this workshop is for you. Learn to become more comfortable with the uncomfortable while creating more transparency in your work relationships.

Speaking Up When it Matters Most

If being assertive is a challenge for you and speaking in public feels mortifying. Yet you know that this is not just holding you back in your career but also has you feeling less confident in yourself. This workshop can help.

You’ll gain some tools to better understand what is causing your fear of speaking up and some practices that can set you on your way to overcoming this. We want you to take comfort that the majority of people when asked fear death actually less than speaking in public, so don’t feel badly, you are definitely not alone in this!

Reducing Toxicity in the Workplace

According to Gallup’s Well Being: The Five Essential Elements book by Tom Rath and Jim Harter, career wellbeing is at the top of the list when it comes to the impact it has on our wellbeing overall. This is ahead of physical, social, community and even financial wellbeing, although career is likely tied to the latter.

Since career wellbeing has such a big impact on us overall, coming to this workshop will help you to:

  • Understand what makes up a toxic environment and some of the causes and
  • Discuss ways you can help to improve the work environment which will not only improve your wellbeing and that of your coworkers but can also positively impact your organzation’s bottom line.

Create Your Own Custom Lunch and Learn Talk

If you have ideas of topics you’d want for your team or want other custom solutions created for your specific situation, just book a consultation with us. We’ll discuss your needs and outcomes and provide you with a proposal for a more customised talk.

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