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Impress Like a Pro: The Do’s and Don’ts about Impression Management for Leaders

Ever found yourself wondering how some leaders effortlessly command a room while others struggle to make an impact? The secret often lies in a nuanced skill called impression management. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of how leaders present themselves, the fine line between authenticity and facade, with stories that reveal what works—and what doesn’t.

Imagine a leader who always seems to have it together, making decisions with poise and confidence. Now, picture another who tries too hard to impress, only to come off as insincere. Both are practicing impression management, but their outcomes couldn’t be more different. So, what’s the magic formula? How can you strike that perfect balance? We’ll break it all down, offering practical advice to help you navigate this intricate dance. Get ready to impress like a pro as you discover how to harness the power of impression management to become a more effective leader.

What is Impression Management?

Impression management is the art of influencing how others perceive you, particularly in a professional setting. For leaders, this involves carefully curating their image to align with the expectations and values of their organization and followers. This can mean anything from dressing a certain way to strategically communicating messages that reinforce their desired persona. While impression management can be a powerful tool in leadership, it comes with its own set of advantages and pitfalls that need careful consideration.

The Pros of Impression Management in Leadership

1. Enhancing Credibility and Influence

One of the most significant benefits of impression management is its ability to enhance a leader’s credibility and influence. When leaders present themselves in a way that aligns with their role and the expectations of their followers, they can build trust and authority more effectively.

The Credible CEO

Communication is the key for success for any CEO but not just communication – effective communication. Take, for instance, the story of Jamie, a new CEO of a growing investment company. Recognizing the importance of appearing decisive and knowledgeable, Jamie meticulously prepares for every public appearance and meeting with stakeholders. He speaks with confidence, shares well-researched insights and dresses in tailored suits. This deliberate impression management helps Jamie enhance his credibility and gain the trust of investors and also can attract top talent, thereby enhancing the company’s chances for greater success. His careful management of his public persona can play a crucial role in his success, once he backs this up with solid know-how and performance.

2. Facilitating Change and Vision Alignment

Another advantage of impression management is its ability to facilitate change and align people with a leader’s vision. When leaders can effectively communicate and embody the values and goals they wish to promote, they can inspire and motivate their teams to embrace change and work towards a common objective.

The Inspirational Leader

Consider people like Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani activist who fights for female education or Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish environmental activist whose name is synonymous with climate change activism. Through their passionate speeches, authentic engagement with community members, and transparent communication, they each have managed to rally worldwide support  around their shared vision. Their ability to manage impressions fostered a sense of unity and purpose, driving collective action towards meaningful awareness and impact.

The Cons of Impression Management in Leadership

1. Risk of Inauthenticity

However, the flip side of impression management is the risk of inauthenticity. When leaders focus too much on crafting a perfect image, they may lose touch with their true selves, leading to a disconnect between their public persona and private reality.

The Facade of Perfection

We all may have met a person like Lisa, a manager who always portrayed herself as flawless and unerring in her decisions. While this facade initially earned her respect, it eventually crumbled when her team discovered inconsistencies between her public statements and private actions. The realization that Lisa was not as perfect as she seemed led to a loss of trust and credibility, undermining her leadership effectiveness.

2. Ethical and Moral Implications

Impression management can also raise ethical and moral concerns, especially when it borders on manipulation or deceit. Leaders who prioritize their image over integrity may engage in practices that compromise their values and the well-being of their followers.

The Manipulative Manager

Consider Tom, a manager who used impression management to manipulate his team into working longer hours without additional compensation. By presenting himself as a selfless leader dedicated to serving his clients and his company, Tom convinced his team to make personal sacrifices. However, when it was revealed that Tom wanted to impress his bosses more than caring for serving the clients or his team, this led to resentment and a toxic work environment. An example that highlights the ethical pitfalls of such manipulative tactics.

Striking the Balance: Authentic Leadership and Impression Management

Authenticity in leadership is about being true to oneself while also considering how one’s actions and words impact others. Impression management, when used wisely, can help leaders present their best selves without compromising their authenticity. The key is to strike a balance. Leaders should aim to be transparent about their intentions and consistent in their actions. This builds trust and respect among team members, fostering a positive and productive work environment. Noting however that over-reliance on impression management can lead to a facade that is difficult to maintain and can eventually crumble, revealing a lack of genuine leadership.

Practical Tips for Leaders

So, how can you be sure that you are not over-using impression management?

1. Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your motivations and ensure your self-presentation aligns with your core values and authentic self.

2. Transparent Communication: Balance strategic storytelling with honest communication to build and maintain trust and make your intentions clear.

3. Feedback Mechanisms: Encourage feedback from trusted advisors or colleagues to ensure your impression management strategies are being perceived positively and authentically.


I hope you see that impression management is a great tool and also a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for leaders to build trust, inspire their teams, and drive organizational success. On the other, if misused, it can lead to mistrust, inauthenticity, and ultimately, a breakdown in leadership effectiveness.

Remember, the key to effective impression management lies in authenticity and integrity. Do focus on being genuine, transparent, and consistent in your actions and words. Show empathy, listen actively, and be open to feedback. Don’t fall into the trap of manipulation or presenting a façade that doesn’t align with your true self or values.

In the end, effective leaders are those who can balance the art of impression management with authentic leadership. By doing so, they not only enhance their own credibility but also foster a culture of trust and openness within their teams. Keep striving to be the best version of yourself, and let your genuine self shine through in every interaction. Your path to effective leadership is paved with authenticity, empathy, and a clear vision for the future.

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