For most of us fear is an unpleasant emotion. Because we experience fear negatively, many of us would rather sweep our feelings of fear under the carpet. Try our best to avoid fear or avoid doing whatever it is that causes fear in us.
Why do we do this?
It’s so that we can feel better in the moment. But what if I told you that the exact opposite happens when we try to avoid facing our fears. Instead of having less fear and feeling better, the fear grows bigger and bigger!
The funny thing is, most of us know instinctively that avoidance isn’t the answer. Yet, we tend to fall into the avoidance trap which to us somehow feels safer! And, instead of feeling safer the fear just gets worse and you can feel caught in a viscios cycle.
What’s important to note, is that it doesn’t have to be this way! If you’re tired of running away from your fears, why not try facing them.
Here’s how?
1. Acknowledge that you’re afraid. Play the situation out in your mind to see what exactly it is you’re afraid of. What’s the worst that could happen? Is is realistic to think that this worst can happen? Maybe it’s not as bad as you think?
2. Instead of wishing the fear away, think about what it is that you want that this fear is holding you back from. Think about how it would feel for you to get that. Then answer this: what’s one small positive step that you can take to conquer that fear?
3. And finally take that small step, notice how that feels, see that you have survived despite the fear. Maybe you even feel good for taking it?
4. Then identify the next small step and repeat!
It might not be easy, because you will still feel the fear, but you will find as you try this, it may become a bit easier to take each step.
In the long run, you’ll also see that overcoming your fears feel way better than being limited by them! Your dreams are waiting as they say, on the other side of your fear! So, why not go for them!